
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Our open source ERP solution provides a 360-degree view of your business, from customers to orders to inventory to shipping to accounting. The solution is based upon several open source projects, including Apache Geronimo, Tomcat, and OFBiz for the data model and transaction framework; Pentaho and JasperReports for business intelligence; Funambol for mobile device and Outlook integration. The applications modules which provide user-driven applications for accounting and finance, warehouse and manufacturing, and purchasing and supply chain mmanagement.
Our open source ERP solution powers some of the largest companies in the world ensuring that our clients are no longer at the mercy of properitary software vendors.

- Product Stores
- Select which stores will handle which catalogs, categories and products
- Product Catalogs
- Associate product with price, location, availability, features, graphics, and other details
- Product Categories
- Products
- Gather information on facilities, inventory, content, IDs, keywords, associations, suppliers, attributes, and more
- Product features
- Add, delete or modify features as shown in the catalog for any product
- Price Rules
- Prices can be modified at a working employee or ordering level when the rules are defined here for price variations such as discounts, special sales conditions, etc.
- Promotions
- Search for existing orders
- View existing orders
- Order Entry
- Sales Orders
- Purchase Orders
- Purchase Order Receipt Scheduling
- Back Orders: includes customer notification, delivery estimates, partial CC settlements, CC refunds, etc
- Returns and Refunds: based on order items, track reasons, put refunds on CC, billing account, mail a check, store credit, etc; assisted creation of replacement order
- Web Site Management
- Create and Modify sites
- Establish Standard and Secure Content Prefix
- Specify Cookie Domain
- Dynamic Survey Management
- General Information/Concepts
- Basic Content application screens for creating/updating content, data resources, meta data, content structure, etc.
- Use slightly modified WYSISWIG editors from WSPublisher for editing of HTML, XML, plain text and other content
- FreeMarker/XSLT/Velocity to allow for templating in content text, makes it more flexible like JSPs for dynamic content when needed
- Utility transforms put in the FreeMarker context for content templates that allow for including other content, referring to external resources such as images, javascript files, CSS files, etc.
- Data Resource Management
- Powerful search engine to find existing resources
- Content Management
- Layout Editor
- Facility Management
- Facility can be a Warehouse, Retail Store, Office, Building, Meeting Room, etc.
- Inventory Management: Quantity On Hand and Available To Promise with Order Inventory Reservations and Item Issuance for Shipments
- Pick and Pack Management with picklist generation, supports limited number of orders per picklist, sorts list by location, can generate pick lists separately for different shipment methods
- Order only included in picklists when sufficient inventory is on hand in pick/primary locations
- Shipment Management
- Automatic Shipment Creation from Purchase and Sales Orders
- Shipment Scheduling
- Shipment Items
- Shipment Packages
- Shipment Item Package Assignment
- Shipment Route Segments
- Shipment Package Route Segment Assignment
- Generate a Shipment Plan
- UPS XML-based Integration (XPCI)
- Confirm Shipment (gets tracking number, pricing and other information)
- Accept Shipment (gets shipping label image and finalizes the shipment)
- UPS then knows what to pickup and has all information about shipments and packages
- Void Shipment
- Track Shipment (updates tracking info)
- Tracking Code Management
- Marketing Campaign Management
- General Ledger Accounts
- View Chart of Accounts
- Create New GL Account
- Edit an existing GL Account
- Billing Accounts
- Find a Billing Account
- View/Edit a Billing Account
- Invoices
- Find/View existing Invoices
- Automatic Invoices from Purchase and Sales Orders
- Payments
- Find a Payment Received
Note: A Party can be either a Person, or a group of Parties. A Party Group could be a company, an organization within the company, a supplier, a customer, and so forth. Information that describes Parties or is directly related to Parties is contained in these entities.
- Party Types: Persons and Groups
- Finding Parties
- Party Data Maintenance
- Security Data Maintenance
- Track work efforts
- Tasks and to-do items
- Calendar events
- Workflow activities
- Track requests
- Supports requests: for support, for features, for fixes, for information, for quotes, for proposals
- Associate requests with requirements
- Associate requests with work efforts (tasks, projects, etc)
- Each request consists of multiple items, each of which contains details about what is desired
- Track requirements
- Used to internally manage required features for a product
- Usually based on requests, or request items to be more accurate
- Each requirement contains a "use case" for a more formal description of what is to be created

- Free and open source software
- Standards based
- Based on: Sun Java, J2EE, W3C XML, HTML, SOA, WfMC XPDL, OMG GL, Party, Product, Workflow
- All applications built on the same framework, tools and components
- Flexible and efficient to use data layer
- Loosely coupled multi-layer component architecture
- Service based logic layer
- Advanced web application framework

- A complete, credible solution with no licensing fees
- Low total cost of ownership
- Feature rich with a robust data model
- Scalable, flexible open architecture with frequent updates and wide support
- Active and collaborative development community