1Tech use "best of breed" open source technology to deliver business applications to meet business needs.
1Tech have delivered powerful solutions for a wide range of industry sectors and clients - all using open source software. When we work with clients to understand their requirements, we select "best of breed" open source business applications and components to deliver a single holistic solution.
1Tech works with leaders or visionaries within their areas of expertise. Some of these offerings are summarised below, many of whom we are professional service integration partners. Clicking on the "learn more" links will provide detailed information on a specific product including business benefits, functional and technical features:
 | Alfresco Alfresco is the leading open source alternative for enterprise content management. It is the first company to bring the power of open source to the enterprise content management market, enabling unprecedented scale and a much lower total cost of ownership than proprietary systems. More |
 | Android Android is a mobile operating system platform running on the Linux kernel. It was initially developed by Google and later the Open Handset alliance. It allows developers to write managed code in the Java language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries. More |
 | Liferay Liferay is the provider of the leading Java open source enterprise portal, and offers full professional services, support and training for Liferay Portal. Liferay Portal is well regarded for the following: its usability; out-of-the-box content management, Web publishing, and collaboration tools; broad compatibility with major technologies; and powerful developer tools. More |
 | MuleSoft Mule ESB™ is the world’s most widely used open source ESB (enterprise service bus), with over 1.5 million downloads and 2,000 production deployments. With Mule ESB’s simplified development model and lightweight architecture, Java programmers can be productive in minutes, easily creating and integrating application services. Mule ESB takes the complexity out of integration, enabling developers to easily build high-performance, multi-protocol interactions between heterogeneous systems and services. More |
 | OFBiz The Apache Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is a foundation and starting point for reliable, secure and scalable open source enterprise automation software projects. By open source enterprise automation we building bespoke enterprise line of business applications within a rich ERP framework.More |
 | Opentaps Opentaps is a tier 1 open source ERP and CRM suite which incorporates several open source projects, including Apache Geronimo, Tomcat, and OFBiz for the data model and transaction framework; Pentaho and JasperReports for business intelligence; Funambol for mobile device and Outlook integration; and the opentaps applications which provide user-driven applications for CRM, accounting and finance, warehouse and manufacturing, and purchasing and supply chain management. More |
 | OpenCms OpenCms is a professional, easy to use open source website content management system. OpenCms helps content managers worldwide to create and maintain websites fast and efficiently. OpenCms provides powerful features especially suited for medium and large enterprise internet or intranet applications.More |