Over 40 commercial implementations of OpenCms make 1Tech the OpenCMS professional services partner of choice
OpenCms is a professional, easy to use open source website content management system. OpenCms helps content managers worldwide to create and maintain websites fast and efficiently. OpenCms provides powerful features especially suited for medium and large enterprise internet or intranet applications.
OpenCms is a Java and XML based system, completly build from open source components. This means OpenCms be deployed on almost any existing IT infrastructure without high licensing costs.
1Tech is a premium professional solution provider for OpenCms. 1Tech are able to leverage almost 40 previous experiences of implementing OpenCms solutions. We offer the following services:
- Intranet, extranet and Internet based solutions with OpenCms
- Web content management solution consulting with OpenCms
- Architecture planning and design
- Bespoke component (module) development
- Customisation of OpenCms
- Website development including deployment, customisation, integration services for the OpenCms platform
- OpenCms support services
Visit www.opencms.com