OpenCms is a professional leading website content management system
OpenCms is a professional, easy to use open source website content management system. OpenCms helps content managers worldwide to create and maintain websites fast and efficiently. OpenCms provides powerful features especially suited for medium and large enterprise internet or intranet applications.
OpenCms is a Java and XML based system, completly build from open source components. This means OpenCms be deployed on almost any existing IT infrastructure without high licensing costs.

OpenCms Benefits:
- Proven - Used by organisations/companies large and small all around the world
- Mature - In open source development since 2000, current Version is 7.0
- Easy to use - Both WYSIWYG and structured editing, contents directly editable through the frontend
- Standards compliant - Uses / implements mature API standards
- Support is available
- Cost saving potential - Compared to pricy licensing models of traditional closed source vendor products
- Open Source - Vendor independence especially important since "consolidation" of CMS market continues
- Fits well into existing IT infrastructure
- Platform neutral because of Java
- Can usually use your existing DB (e.g. Oracle)
- Good base for "make" decision In case of "make or buy"Favourably reviewed by Analysts - E.g. Gartner Group recognizes OpenCms as "one of the most complete and mature of the [Open Source CMS] products reviewed" (*) Source: Gartner Group report "Roundup of Open-Source Content Management Systems, 1H04" (April 2004)

OpenCms Core Features:
- Direct Edit of content from the front end of the website
- Automatic Online / Offline workflow
- Flexible content repository
- Integrated full text search engine
- WYSIWYG Editor for "unstructured" content
- Easy definition of XML based content items for "structured content"
- Automatically built editor for "structured content"
- Advanced link management with the Content Relationship Engine
- WebDAV support
- Restore (undelete) operation for deleted resources
- Publishing simplified with the publish queue
- Improved internal system roles & organisational units
Additional Features:
- Multiple selections and operations in the Workplace Explorer
- Native image scaling and manipulation, Photo album
- Visual comparison of document versions
- Integration of the popular FCKeditor for WYSIWYG editing
- Manage multiple sites in one installation
- Full text search also in PDF, Word, Excel documents in repository
- Configurable meta information(properties) for all repository resources
- Time based automatic content release/expiration
- Full support for Unicode content
- ACL permission system
- Optional static export of HTML
- JSP based template mechanism
- Templates are version controlled
- Advanced multi language support
- Web browser based application
- Full control over the output layout
- Integrated user management
- Project based workflow
- All XML content is schema validated
- Task management
- Version control of content
- History of changes
- XML based content import / export
- Multi path resource access through siblings
- Dynamic page rendering
- Link checking
- Combination of static and dynamic content
- Fully database driven
- Non-GUI shell access to document repository
- Powerful log file configuration
- Open module API for extensions

For further information please visit www.opencms.com